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The Cluster Fly (pollenina rudis) is about 7mm long and can be recognised by distinct lines behind the head, short golden hairs on the thorax and the fourth wing vein is bent. They are typically slow moving and are widespread around the world. They are strictly parasitic on earth worms. The females lay their eggs in earthworm burrows, and the larvae infest the worms. The flies are a nuisance; when adults emerge in Autumn they enter houses to hibernate, often in large numbers and are difficult to eradicate because they favour inaccessible spaces for example roof areas. Once the weather warms again in Spring Cluster Flies become active again. If you have large infestation you are likely to need the help of a professional pest controller who can use treatments such a residual sprays and fogs to target all flies as they emerge. 


Blow flies or calliphoridae, commonly known as Blue or Green Bottles are a family of insects in the order Diptera with 1200 known species. Adult flies are commonly shiny with a metallic colouring often with a blue or green colouring. Most species of blow flies are an autogenus; a female requires a substantial amount of protein to develop mature eggs within her ovaries. The female fly lays 150-200 eggs per batch. The larvae use enzymes in their excretia to breakdown proteins on the corpse their feeding on. The rate at which this happens depends on the temperature and species.


Filter or Drain Flies (psychididae) are small true flies with short hairy bodies and wings giving him that 'furry' appearance. there are more than 2600 described species worldwide. They inhabit drains and sewerage systems, where they are harmless but cause persistent annoyance. Thorough clearance of the drains will remove the larvae food source. Killing the adult flies is usually not effective due to more adult flies emerging. 


Drosophila is a small species of fly which are yellow/brown in appearance with red eyes. Females lay eggs in substances such as fermenting juices. Fruit flies are not generally harmful (though they sometimes can spread bacteria) but they can be a nuisance. Once they have arrived they can be difficult to get rid of, especially as they can reproduce in a week in favourable conditions. Prevention examples can be simply removing rotting fruit or clean up alcohol spills. However, here at LadyBug the best ways to treat a fly infestation is via sprays or fumigation. We can also use a residual chemical which will work weeks after the initial treatment. 


Lesser House Flies (fania canicularis) is a smaller fly than that of the House Fly. It is best known for entering buildings and circling near the centre of a room. It is slender and the median vein is straight. Larvae feed on all manner of semi liquid decaying organic matter for example faeces, kitchen waste and dumps. The biggest threat which Lesser House Fly pose to humans is transmitted serious diseases. They feed by vomiting organic matter to dissolve it before sucking it up through their mouth parts. Because of this they pick up bacteria and contaminate clean surfaces and food. It can be a serious problem for residential and commercial businesses alike. 


House Flies (Musca Domestica) are the most common species of fly found in houses. Adults  are grey to black with four dark, longitudinal lines on the thorax, slightly hairy bodies and have a single pair of membranous wings. They have red eyes and are 6-7 mm long. The females lay their eggs in dead and decaying organic matter. They do not bite but are capable of transmitting more than 100 different pathogens. If you suspect a house fly infestation in your home contact us here at LadyBug Pest Control to carry out a full investigation , use of fly baits and application of insecticide or traps.  

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